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Which Stage Is Right For My Baby? European Baby Formula : Guide to Stages 

In Europe, a more nuanced set of stages allows a parent to give their baby formula that will be a better fit to their current nutritional needs as they grow from a newborn to a one year old and beyond.  There are four stages to most major European formula brands. 

FDA VS European Commission: US Formula vs European

In Europe, no corn syrup is allowed.  Cows and goats are fed organic, grass fed diets, and the main ingredient in formula is - drum roll - milk.  There can be no detectable levels of pesticide residues in European formulas.  Zero.  Most US baby food wouldn’t be allowed to be sold in Europe as it either has pesticide residue, or contains other unwanted ingredients, such as corn syrup or sucrose. 

Fed is Best: Breast Milk vs Formula 

There are many reasons a mom chooses to formula feed their child.  Let’s face it, breastfeeding is HARD!  Sometimes the supply simply isn’t there, sometimes formula is great as a supplement.  Other times it can be used to allow other family members time to bond with your little one(s).   This way, mama can get some more rest, herself.  Surrogate parents choose our milk as a healthy way to feed their little ones.  Whatever your reason for choosing formula as an option, we support you, and are here for you.  
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